
Welcome to MerfolksDragonsElves, where passion meets creativity and quality reigns supreme.
At MerfolksDragonsElves, we are more than just a company; we’re enthusiasts dedicated to enhancing your Gaming experience. Enter a world, where playmats are so much more than just a surface, but portals to other realms, where game pieces are crafted with great care and precision, and where apparel is not a mere piece of fabric, but a statements of your love for the game.

MerfolksDragonsElves was created by Max Simson, a passionate MTG collector and player, artist and photographer.

It all started, when our playgroup hit a wall – when we simply couldn’t afford gamepieces that were essential to our decks or in some cases just didn’t see the point in spending exorbitant amounts of money on magic cards that might lose all their value if they ever get a meaningful reprint. We decided that we rather create our own cards, cards we will always love and enjoy, because of their unique style and because they are unique to us and our decks.
Through this page I want to share this option with fellow Magic players with similar feelings about art and/or prices